About Us
Finding Inspiration in Every Turn
At Zinkon Creative Studio we believe that light can transform an environment into an experience.
Our designs are considerate to human factors
Our passion promotes creative solutions
Our design process is focused on collaboration
Our curiosity fosters our expertise, driving us as both educators and life-long learners
Our designs embrace environmental responsibility
Zinkon Creative Studio is certified as a women’s business enterprise by the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC), the nation’s largest third-party certifier of businesses owned and operated by women in the U.S. We recognize the commitment to diversity and inclusion that is embraced by corporations and government agencies today and we can add diversity to your team.

Our Story
Founder, Ardra Zinkon Recognized by International Association of Lighting Designers as a Professional Member, becoming the 1st in the State of Ohio to receive this credential.
Firm is founded to provide stand-alone specialty services
Firm Recognized with WBE Status
Founder, Ardra Zinkon becomes 26th Designer worldwide to be recognized as "Certified Lighting Designer"
The firm received EDGE Certification through the State of Ohio, encouraging Diversity, Growth and Equity in public contracting.
The firm welcomes Courtney
Van Ostran as a Shareholder
The Firm rebrands as Zinkon Creative Inc.
The Firm celebrates 10 years in business
Meet the Team
Zinkon Creative Studio has received several International lighting design awards recognizing our commitment to design excellence and energy efficiency. To see our awards click here.